
Counter Culture – Virtual Education

Delve deeper into the Comté Cheese through Counter Culture, a virtual education session for professional cheesemongers. This presentation and tasting was led by Jean-Louis Carbonnier.  Jean-Louis oversees the NY-based Comté Cheese Association which represents the...

Bordeaux et la Construction de Marques

Bordeaux et la Construction de Marques

Depuis l’émergence des Etats-Unis en tant que première puissance mondiale, le développement d’une marque internationale passe obligatoirement par ce pays. De par leur taille, leurs puissances économique, intellectuelle et culturelle (qu’il s’agisse des domaines du...

A day with Alain Mathieu

During the Covid pandemic we have been relying on videos to communicate and interact with our audiences. This video was developed for the American Cheese Society. In it, the organisation and the production of the Comté sector is presented from the perspective of Alain...

Distillation – The Birth of Cognac

Distillation - The Birth of Cognac and The Art of Blending show both the traditional and contemporary sides of Cognac from vineyards to cocktails. Developed and created with the help of GrapeRadio, an award winning video and radio company, as well as the...

How to taste Comté

How to Taste Comté is part of a series of educational videos which we have developed on behalf of the Comté Cheese Association, the US arm of the Comité Interprofessionnel de Gestion du Comté (AOP). The series is called Comté Cheesemonger Series; this one showcases...

Scent of Black

The Scent of Black was developed with GrapeRadio to present the Wines of Cahors. Cahors wines now receive more attention but continue to provide value for money. "From and Undervalued Region in France, New Energy, New Inspiration and Great Wines" is the title of a...

USA Market Assessment

USA Market Assessment

Although this article was written before the pandemic took hold in the US (Mid-March), most of the information in it remains valid regarding the structure of the US market, except with respect to the on-trade sector. Additionally, it should be added that a number of...